
25 September 2013

Diet and Exercise For Ectomorph Body Type

Ectomorphs are the ones who find a tough time in gaining weight whether it be muscle or fat. They do not possess a muscular type instead appear lean and tall. They don’t have any curves and are flat- chested. These are the people who remain skinny all through their entire life. They have high metabolic rates and the muscular growth is slower in terms. Fat gain is minimal, so they need to put on extra efforts to gain weight and to strengthen their muscles.
They can eat anything and everything and still remain lean for the entire lifetime. They are less prone to obesity. Following proper workouts and diet plans helps them to give a better standing look.
Ectomorph: Training
Ectomorphs have to put in hard efforts to train their body because as I have said muscular growth is slow and building stronger and bigger muscles is not an easy task. At the same time, once they gain a good strength in their muscles they have to keep check on their muscle growth every day as it is equally important not to over train your body.
It is recommended for ectos that they would start off their training exercise initially by working out with weights. They need to see to that they work for about 1 hour each day. It is better if they concentrate on arms, chest, back, legs, and shoulders and working on 9 to 12 sets per day would give better results. Remember you must not exceed 12 sets as the primary draw back would be over training of your body.

Choose your exercises effectively that work all parts of your body. Different exercises that work for different muscle parts would fetch you optimum results. If you do 1 exercise for 3 sets you could end up doing 3 to 4 exercises as per the number of sets you decided to do. Take rest for about 30 seconds to 1 minute between each set and it boosts your energy levels up when doing other sets.  Trying out different compound exercises like biceps helps you in building stronger muscles. Basic squats, rows, step- ups, and push- ups work well for ectomorphs.  Walking on tread- mill and kick boxing would also fetch good results. Ectomorphs who look for gaining more curves should take up swimming as it provides resistance to your body. Daily pool workouts will provide extra fat insulation for skinny bodies.
Ectomorph: Diet
As ectomorphs have a tall, thin or lean body they need to increase the intake of calories in their diet. If you are a true ectomorph you should eat 1000 calories and if you are moderate 750 calories wouldn’t be bad over your maintenance levels. You need not worry whether intake of such huge amount of calories increase the amount of fat levels in your body. No, in fact these calories help you in the fast growth of muscles and repair them as ectos have high metabolism rate

Don’t skip meals for any reason and you will need to eat lot more than normally. Avoid junk and fried food if necessary. Eat meals for every 1 hour 30 minutes (at least 6 meals a day) as the key is to take more calories than you burn.  Protein, carbs and fat ratio in terms of percentage of calories can be 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats. Intake of complex carbohydrates like pasta, rice, grain bread, and dried fruits would help you gain maximum results. Drink plenty of water to keep your muscles hydrated and taking enough rest is also necessary to gain the perfect weight and muscle strength.

Tips Fesyen Untuk Lelaki Kurus #Papan

Kebiasaanya mereka yang berbadan kurus lebih mudah untuk berfesyen kerana senang untuk memilih saiz baju dan sebagainya. Namun bagi orang yang terlalu kurus, mereka juga mempunyai masalah mereka yang tersendiri. Bukan orang yang berbadan besar sahaja yang ada masalah nak beli baju kerana tidak ada saiz, tetapi orang yang kurus pun ada masalah dalam berfesyen kerana sukar memilih pakaian yang tidak nampak seperti memakai pakaian besar. 

Oleh itu, di sini kami ada beberapa tips untuk jejaka yang berbadan kurus untuk kelihatan lebih maskulin dan sesuai dengan bentuk badan: 

- Elakkan dari memakai pakaian yang berbentuk 'fit' kerana ianya bukan membuatkan anda lagi nampak kurus tetapi akan lebih membuatkan anda seperti tengkorak. Sebaiknya pilihlah pakaian mengikut saiz badan dan cubalah terlebih dahulu pakaian yang ingin dibeli dan jika tidak yakin minta pandangan daripada orang lain. 

- Pilih pakaian yang mempunyai banyak corak seperti berbelang, berbunga dan yang ada tulisan kerana pakaian yang bercorak akan mengurangkan fokus pada tubuh badan dan pandangan mereka lebih tertarik dengan pakaian yang anda pakai. 

- Sekiranya ingin memakai T-shirt, pilihlah yang berkolar dan elakkan dari memakai pakaian yang mempunyai corak leher v atau bulat kerana T-shirt yang berkolar akan menampak dada kelihatan lebih bidang dan tegap. 

- Akhir sekali gaya rambut juga haruslah dititikberatkan dan elakkan memotong rambut terlalu pendek mahupun botak kerana penampilan sedemikian akan menampakkan anda kelihatan lebih kurus Seeloknya biarlah rambut berpotongan sederhana untuk mengimbangi bentuk muka yang kecil. 

Semoga info ini dapat membantu anda!!